Production Finance Clerk vacancy at Department of Transport in KwaZulu-Natal Province.
Closing date for applications: 21 February 2025
Production Finance Clerk vacancy at Department of Transport
- SALARY: R216 154 per annum (Level 05)
- CENTRE: Cost Centre, Estcourt: Ladysmith Region
A Senior Certificate / National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Level 4.
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required: Basic knowledge of Financial functions, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate a computer and collate Financial statistics. Basic knowledge of and insight of the Public Service Financial legislations, procedures and Treasury regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA & Financial manual). Knowledge of basic Financial Operating systems (PERSAL, BAS & Logis etc.). Job knowledge. Communication skills (verbal and written). Interpersonal relation skills. Flexibility skills. Teamwork skills. Accuracy skills. Aptitude figures skills. Planning and organisation skills. Language skills. Basic Numeracy skills. Ability to perform routine tasks. Ability to operate office equipment. Planning and Organisation skills. Ability to interpret. Research skills. Formulating and editing skills. Analytical and Innovative thinking skills. Report writing and formulation skills. Problem solving skills. Computer Literacy. The ideal candidate should be honest, reliable, innovative, creative, trustworthy, loyal, efficient, responsible and friendly. He/ she should be able to work under pressure, maintain confidentiality and work individually and part of a team.
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DUTIES: Render Financial Accounting transactions. Perform Salary Administration support services. Perform Bookkeeping support services. Render a budget support service.
How to apply
Forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number to: Recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Administration Directorate, Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Applications may alternatively be handdelivered to the Office of the Department of Transport, Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg.
ENQUIRIES: Ms N Magubane Tel No: (036) 3523 153
NOTE: It is the intention of this Department to consider equity targets when filling this position.