x2 Food Services Aid vacancies at the Department of Transport in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Closing date for applications: 31 January 2025
Food Services Aid vacancies at the Department of Transport
The Department of Transport invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for x2 Food Services Aid vacancies.
- SALARY: R131 265 per annum (Level 02)
- CENTRE: Empangeni Region (X1 Post): Road Traffic Inspectorate, Vryheid Ref No: DOT 251/2025 (X1 Post), Durban Region (X1 Post): Auxiliary Services (Metro) Ref No: DOT 252/2025 (X1 Post)
Grade 8/ ABET.
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required: Knowledge of electric appliances. Knowledge of safety procedures. Knowledge of Practice Notes. Knowledge of planning, organising, co-ordinating and training. Knowledge of Policies and procedures. Innovation and creativity skills. Problem solving and negotiation skills. Motivating and organising skills. Numeracy skills. Radio procedures. The ideal candidate should be a team player, honest reliable, innovative and flexible. He/she should have good interpersonal relations and adhere to Batho Pele principles.
- x215 Road Worker vacancies at the Department of Transport
- x11 Permanent Cleaner vacancies at Department of Transport
Make tea/ coffee. Inventory of cutlery and crockery. Fill water bottles. Wash dishes and floor. Assist in keeping offices clean.
How to apply
Please note applications can be hand delivered to the Office of the Department of Transport, Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, or couriered via postal services to Recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Administration Directorate, Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
NOTE: It is the intention of this Department to consider equity targets when filling these positions
ENQUIRIES: Mr V Chetty (Empangeni) Tel No: (033) 355 8880 / Ms S Africa (Durban) Tel No: (031) 700 2222